
Granny Game Guide: Where To Find Secret Rooms


Is it your first time to play Granny? If it is, then you’re definitely on the right page! Knowing the ins and outs of the game is a must if you want to win it. And since we’re talking about it, here’s a tip that you need to know – Granny’s house has secret rooms!

Yes. These secret rooms are really helpful when you’re playing the game. Aside from just being mere secret locations, these rooms are also designed as secret passageways for you to get to the top floor, middle, or south floor. So here are the secret rooms you need to know.


1. Secret Area Top Floor in Granny

For you to locate where the secret area top floor is, you have to go to the Walk-In Closet, which is located on the second floor of Granny’s House. Now before you enter the Walk-In Closet, look around and locate three boxes that are stacked upwards. Usually, you can find them on the closet’s entrance. When you see them, you have to push those boxes to enter this secret room.

What’s awesome about the Secret Area Top Floor is that it’s where you’ll find a Weapons Safe and a small closet. You can even spot an item that might be useful in the top floor’s drawer. What’s more, it’s connected to three other secret rooms – Secret Area Entrance, the Secret Area Middle Floor, and the Hidden Closet. And since they’re hidden, they are are also great places to hide whenever Granny comes around!


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2. Secret Area Middle Floor

This is another secret room to hide away from Granny. Though there may be times that Granny will respawn on this floor, she rarely comes by it. But still, you have to be careful.


3. Secret Area Bottom Floor

Down the Secret Area Middle Floor lies the Secret Area Bottom Floor (obviously). It’s the floor that’s connected to the Basement and the Secret Area Middle Floor. To hide from Granny, you have to go directly to the Secret Tunnel so you won’t get caught.

For players who are using the Extreme Mode, you’ll find it difficult to get in the Basement/Secret Tunnel due to the iron bars that block the passageway. Although you can get in through the other side, you have to be careful not to get caught by Granny. You have to be quick too because Granny moves in Extreme Mode.

Now, this floor is very significant. Why so? Because it’s the area where you’ll see the Screwdriver Safe, a structure that contains the last item to win the game. So if you want to win the game, you need to find all the essential keys that will ultimately lead you to open this safe.


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4. Hidden Closet in the Granny Game

Once you’re inside the Secret Area Top Floor, you’ll see a stack of cardboard boxes and a small arch on one side. Just push those boxes away and crawl into the arch. There, you’ll find the Hidden Closet.

You can find a few key items in this closet. Among them are the Winch Handle, Teddy, Special Key, Buttstock, Battery, etc. You can find them on the shelves. The Hidden Closet is also one of the best places to hide from Granny. She will never find you here! So this is actually a sweet spot.


Why Locate These Hidden Rooms in Granny? 

Finding and visiting these secret rooms will give you an advantage when you’re playing Granny. Aside from being great hiding places, these secret areas also hold some of the key items that can ultimately make you win the game.